Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pertinent Information...

Welcome to my blog! The place where I get to say anything I want about everything I want without anyone stopping me! Hmmm....the potential for disaster here is huge, isn't it? Actually, I am going to keep these blogs fairly limited to a specific topic - so I am not really going to talk about everything, BUT I reserve the right to, if I want.

Divorce is the single most awful thing that has ever touched my life. I could look at it as a terrible thing, but I really look at it like I've been pretty blessed. Not that divorce really isn't awful, but so many people deal with things that are so much worse than this; disease, death, handicaps, poverty...I could go on and on. The thing is that when you are going through divorce, you can't see that perspective. You are completely mired in yourself and what you are going through. Selfish? Yup. True? Also yup.

I can't write about all those things that are worse than divorce because thankfully I have limited knowledge on those kinds of topics. So instead I will just share my awful, and many times, amusing divorce and post divorce stories; because those are what I do know. Hopefully those of you that like to follow my rambling posts will enjoy and maybe my perspective will help someone else out there realize that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Really.

I don't know exactly what direction this blog will go, but here is what I don't want it to be - a reason for you to sit and shake your head at your computer at how sad this is. Parts of it are sad, but many other parts are funny, introspective, enlightening, and empowering. This part of my life is only one small part. It doesn't define me, it just is one thing that helps shape me. I am blessed with an extraordinary family and fantastic, supportive friends that lift me up much more than this has dragged me down. I have a roof over my head, food in my kitchen, and money in the bank - which is more than the majority of the population, even here in the United States. When the bottom dropped out my world, I had people there to pick me back up - and for that I am very grateful.

Because this blog is going to annoy my ex-husband, and because I think it's fun, I am going to give him an alias. Obviously, those of you that know me fairly decently will know who he is, but at least I'm not throwing his name out there into blogosphere for all the world to see. So from now on, my ex-husband is *Brad. And here's why - (prepare yourself for the first of many mildly amusing sidenotes) My ex-husband cheated on me at approximately the same time that Brad Pitt cheated on Jennifer Aniston. So Jennifer and I are divorce buddies. BFF's, really. Except, of course, she doesn't know. But once their story broke, I clung to it like a drowning sailor because - thankfully - I wasn't going through this alone. I had Jen. I will to this day still buy any gossip mag at the checkout at Meijers that has a Jen story on the cover. A few months ago, there was an online poll about who wore their little black dress better - Jen or Angelina. I voted for Jen 159 times. (I was just too tired to vote once more to make it an even 160.) So to reel in my tangent, in honor of my (in my mind) BFF Jen, we will rename my ex - Brad.

So that is my opening story - the tale of Jen and I. I have many more to come.....strange divorce moments, full out hysterical tales of re-entering the dating world, the story of night Emily and I almost became sailors....and how through it all, my guardian angel was putting in some serious overtime.

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